Elica Group motors business unit, originates from FIME, a company founded in 1974, as electric motors designer and manufacturer. FIME has always been characterized by its vertical structure which allows to create and control internally all production phases starting from raw materials. Over the years the company has expanded its market presence to become a reference both in the domestic ventilation field (fans for hoods) as well as heating field(fans for boilers). Strong of its thirty years long experience in ventilation and heating, Elica Group Company is today, under FIME Brand, leader on both markets.
Elica Group could develop a strong Know-how not only in the electromechanical motor design, but also in fluidodynamic and electronic design that allow us today to offer to the market integrated systems and air treatment devices.. Our technical dept. is equipped with the most modern tools for calculation and simulation in fluidodynamics, electromagnetism, integrated systems and, last but not least, mechanical structure. Besides the virtual instruments the technical dept. is equipped with tools to support and validate projects as well as products. FIME branded ventilation systems comply with sustainability and energy saving European standards. Nowadays the achieved technical know-how has allowed Elica to enter the commercial refrigeration business, where technologically advanced and energy saving products are required.