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Colour & Effect Masterbatches

Colour masterbatch is a concentrated mixture of pigments, additives, and a polymer carrier. It is used in the plastics industry to add colour to plastic products during the manufacturing process. The primary purpose of colour masterbatch is to provide a convenient and efficient way to incorporate colour into plastic resins without the need for handling and measuring individual colourants.
Here are the key components of colour masterbatch:
  • Pigments: Colour masterbatch contains high concentrations of pigments, which are responsible for imparting colour to the plastic. Pigments are finely ground particles that can be organic or inorganic, and they provide the desired hue to the final product.
  • Additives: In addition to pigments, colour masterbatch may contain additives to enhance certain properties of the plastic. For example, UV stabilisers may be added to improve resistance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, or other additives may be included for improved heat stability or processing characteristics.
  • Polymer Carrier: The pigments and additives are dispersed in a polymer carrier, which is compatible with the base polymer of the final plastic product. The carrier serves as a medium to ensure uniform distribution of colour throughout the plastic matrix.
Colour masterbatch is used in various plastic processing methods, including extrusion, injection moulding, and blow moulding.
The benefits of using colour masterbatch include:
  • Consistency: Colour masterbatch ensures consistent coloration across batches, promoting uniformity in the appearance of the final plastic products.
  • Ease of Handling: It simplifies the manufacturing process by eliminating the need to measure and handle individual colourants. This can be particularly advantageous in large-scale production.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Using colour masterbatch is often more cost-effective than purchasing and handling separate pigments, especially when producing a large volume of coloured plastic products.
  • Customization: Manufacturers can choose from a wide range of pre-formulated colour masterbatches or work with suppliers to create custom colour formulations based on specific requirements.
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